Using Signage Marketing to Build Brand Awareness

Signage marketing is the integration of physical signs into a business’s overall advertising strategy. Coordinated with print and broadcast media, signage quickly becomes an integral part of your brand, becoming a part of your “store-front”. Integrating signage into your overall advertising campaign starts with understanding your audience and what will resonate with them.

The ultimate goal of signage marketing is to strengthen your company brand by communicating your values, goals, products, and services while also providing customers with the information they need to make an informed decision. Implementing signage into your corporate marketing strategy provides a unique opportunity to create visual cues that serve as an informative tool to communicate your corporate marketing message. Signage serves as visual communication for your business that reaches beyond the business environment. Using signage effectively communicates the unique aspects of your business.

As a component of your corporate signage design, you want to build brand recognition that can be easily understood and integrated into the mindset of your target audience. This means incorporating your brand into the design, but also including some elements that will allow your targeted audience to distinguish your brand from others in their area. Think in terms of “store fronts”. If you’re a retailer, you want to design signs that immediately identify your store from those around it. Store fronts often feature signage designed primarily to attract passersby. The types of signs used to accomplish this are signage with the logo and colors of your brand or the store name itself, neon signs, large and bold letter signs and a variety of shapes that are commonly seen in retail signage.

A signage marketing strategy that we have successfully implemented in our own business utilizes multiple types of signage, building a strong visual identity along both walls and floor plans. For this strategy, we designed and fabricated signage along the walls and ceilings of our retail shop and along the walls and floors of our main office space. Our goal was to create a visual identity that would be easy to duplicate, as well as difficult to miss. Our signage was designed to include both text and images. It also included outdoor signage at each of our three locations.

After developing our signage, we then utilized our brand design templates to create several other categories of signage to further reinforce our corporate branding. These other categories were designed to help us to differentiate our company from our competition as well as help us brand individual products. There are many types of corporate branding products on the market today, such as corporate branding bags, pens, mugs, key chains, and clocks. We found that these products were useful for our overall branding efforts as they could be used to create a consistent corporate look and feel throughout our locations.

In addition to having our signage designed and printed, our corporate marketing strategy incorporated our signage in numerous ways, including our daily business hours, outside lighting, in our building’s exterior and signage on the buildings doors. In each location we had signage that provided a quick and easy way for our customers or clients to identify us and our brand. Our goal was to create brand recognition that would be easy for our customers or clients to forget. Throughout our campaign we tested and adjusted our signage to see which locations elicited the most interest. Once our custom signage was implemented, it was apparent that creating effective and catchy signage was a challenge that we were up against, but an extremely rewarding one. If you need help choosing a business sign or vehicle wrap provider, you can contact the best sign company in Boca Raton, a full-service sign company that specializes in custom signs and vehicle wraps.

Choosing the Proper Types of Flooring in Different Home Areas

Flooring Types for Homes: Are you currently in the process of remodeling or moving? If so, flooring installation is something to think about. Whether your house is carpeted, bare concrete, tile or wood, there are flooring options to meet your needs. You can choose from laminate, ceramic, hardwood, bamboo, vinyl, linoleum or any other type of flooring you have in mind. You should know that flooring can be installed by a professional or on your own if you are handy with tools. Carpeting is also available in many colors and materials to meet your needs for the perfect flooring for your space.

Flooring floors in oak cabinetry or oak flooring floors is easily cared for. You will enjoy the beauty of oak for years with easy to follow floor care techniques, including the use of floor mats for protection. When you clean, use a damp mop on an interior or exterior surface and a dry towel to remove surface dust. Oak flooring should be regularly sealed with a water resistant urethane solution. Be sure to consult the manufacturer’s instructions for maintenance of oak floors.


The installation of carpet by a hardwood flooring company in Overland Park, Kansas in your home will provide you with a high level of convenience and functionality, but it can also be one of the most expensive types of flooring you will need to choose. The carpet is constructed of a variety of materials, including polyester and olefin, and installing a single piece of carpet can be very time consuming. If you are looking for the highest level of carpeting possible, you might have to do it yourself. This type of carpet installation is often best left to the professionals, as it requires a lot of skill on your behalf and you cannot usually just drop off the finished carpet piece by itself.


hardwood flooring company in Overland ParkAnother very popular flooring material these days is solid hardwood. Oak is the most common wood used for flooring, but cherry, ash, maple and birch are also used. Solid hardwood floors are great in homes that are fussy about flooring, as they can be very expensive. Hardwoods are relatively easy to maintain and are durable enough to withstand many years of heavy foot traffic.


If you’re worried about flooring being easy to clean or wear out quickly, then perhaps marble flooring is right for you. Marble is also relatively easy to maintain and will never seem to go out of style. It has a gorgeous gleam to it when new, and stains should easily be removed with a good cleaner. In terms of size, hardwood flooring can give any room a look of majesty or decadence, while marble floors can take on a rather formal feel. It all just depends on the personality of your home decor.